Posted on 27th March 2020
Category: News

At the Growth we have put together information to help businesses with Financial Support for coronavirus. The topics which we cover and signpost you to resources are:

1) ICT Grant To Help with Working From Home from the Humber LEP Growth Hub

2) Contingency Planning & Crisis Management Advice and Consultancy Grant from the Humber LEP Growth Hub

3) Finance for Growth Grant – Supporting access to Financial Advice & Consultancy From the Humber LEP Growth hub

4) The Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) From HMRC
Support for businesses paying tax From HMRC

5) Time to Pay From HMRC

6) Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme for SMEs From Government & British Business Bank backed

7) Business rates Holiday from the government

8) Business Rates Holiday for Nurseries From the government.

10) Coronavirus Community Grant Fund Two Ridings Community Fund From Hull CC and East Riding CC

11) Small Business Grant Fund up to £10,000

12) HM Treasury and the Bank of England Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF)

13) Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Grant Delivered by HMRC

14) Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Refund for SMEs Administered via HMRC
VAT bill deferment overseen by HMRC

15) Income Tax Deferral for the Self-Employed by HMRC

16) Cash Grant for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure From the Government

17) Coronavirus Charity Help Fund Grants from Martin Lewis

18) Emergency Funding Package – Grants for Arts Organisations

Full details are on our Coronavirus web page – View here

We also signpost you to plenty of other resources that offer coronavirus guidance.