Posted on 13th May 2020
Category: News

The Humber’s business community has joined forces to create a week of online events to support businesses to strengthen and succeed through the coronavirus crisis.

The ‘oneHumber online events: Rethinking and rebuilding together’ week will see organisations present virtual events for businesses affected by the ongoing lockdown during the week of June 1st- 5th.

The Humber LEP, the four Humber Local Authorities and membership and business support organisations from across the Humber have already joined forces to co-ordinate the local response to the economic impact of the coronavirus by forming the Humber Economic Resilience Group.

Now, the group plans to provide Humber businesses with a week of online events to focus on the path ahead, as well as giving practical steps and advice for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

For many businesses facing the challenges of our current economic crisis, we recognise that as we continue to feel the effects from lockdown, organisations will be looking to find new efficiencies and different ways of working.

This means looking at diversification, resilience, ongoing mental health, employee engagement, financial and HR support, or continued growth into digital communications and e-commerce. Whatever your businesses’ individual challenges, we are in this together as a region.

The events take place on what would originally have been Humber Business Week had the week not been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak, but is not a replacement event.

Organisations with events planned for the week include Humber LEP, Humber Business Growth Hub, Marketing Humber, E-Factor, University of Hull, Department for International Trade, Edenic Group, FSB, CATCH and many more.

Marketing Humber kick off the week with their online event – People Power: Unlocking the Post-Lockdown Opportunity, taking place Monday June 1 from 9.30am until 11.30am, which will focus on how improved employee engagement could benefit productivity in Humber businesses as they navigate the economic impact of coronavirus.

The Humber LEP will host an interactive panel discussion on how the region’s economic strategy may need to adapt in light of the pandemic, and what actions will be required to support the recovery.

Meanwhile, the Humber Business Growth Hub and #GrowMySME will be holding events across the week, with seminars taking place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, on topics including harnessing digital technology, remote working and managing mental health in the workplace, with a focus on SMEs.

Edenic Group will be holding their event ‘Disruptive Thinking’ on Tuesday June 2 between 1pm and 2.30pm, while the Department for International Trade will be holding their event ‘Trading Internationally – How the Department for International Trade Can Support Your Business’ on Thursday June 4 between 2pm and 3pm.

Other organisations are planning to screen webinars previously hosted, or use the week to promote their online resources and support for businesses.

Stephen Parnaby OBE, Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “This is a tremendously challenging time for businesses across the Humber and together with our partners we want to be as supportive as possible to businesses in our region.

“While traditional events are out of the question for obvious reasons, there is no reason why we can’t support businesses in the virtual world and offer not just support, but practical help finding new pathways and opportunities and ways of helping businesses become as resilient as they can be.

“The coronavirus has made it difficult to be together in person – but we have the technology to provide essential support online and I’m so pleased that the Humber business community is coming together with this support.”

Diana Taylor, MD Marketing Humber, said: “The collaborations between the LEP, local authorities and business membership organisations have been great to see as we came together to support our regional businesses in this time of crisis.

There has been a great enthusiasm to now continue this through delivery of an online week of events. This is an ideal opportunity to deliver critical information, tools, resources, to help our businesses, both global brands and our underpinning SMEs, prepare for the return to work from lockdown. We all acknowledge that for many, this will be a long road ahead.

This is the time to pull together, build community energy and support everyone as we move forward. We are delighted as Marketing Humber to launch this week on June 1st and look forward to a great and varied week to engage and inform.”

Please join in online by booking onto the events that will help arm your business with the information, tools and support you need to rethink the next steps.

If you are a business who would like to advertise an event as part of the oneHumber week, you can also submit the information on our website.

To book your place at any of the events, please see the online brochure at