Posted on 30th July 2020
Category: News

The scheme has now closed details here

As announced by the government on Thursday 30 July 2020, the Humber Business Growth Hub will be taking receipt of a share of the £20 million fund for grants, to boost the recovery of small businesses. This funding will be available to help support small and medium businesses (SMEs) that operate in any ERDF-eligible sector in the Humber region; that is the City of Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.

This fund will operate alongside the “Kick-starting Tourism Package” of grant funding that will be made available for SMEs in the Visitor Economy; however this fund will be for businesses from all other ERDF-eligible sectors.

The Growth Hub is working with its accountable body Hull City Council to ensure that when the funding is made available to the Growth Hub, the required processes and systems are in place to ensure that the funding can be allocated in a timely, efficient and compliant manner.

Once the grant application process and eligibility of scope has been fully established, we will publish full details on the Growth Hub website.

Businesses that are interested in apply for these Covid-19 Recovery Grants can submit an Expression of Interest ( EOI ) to the Growth Hub at, providing their name, business name, trading address, contact details (email and telephone number), and the sector they operate in. We will then contact all EOI enquiries as soon as we open the grant fund to applications.

As the Growth Hub has only just been offered this funding and are working on setting up the grant scheme, we would politely request that businesses do not contact us directly about this fund at this time, but rather submit an EOI which we will reply to once we are in a position to open applications to the grant fund.

In the meantime, should any business wish to access our current support offer or work with a Growth Hub Business Advisor, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Jon Brunton

Humber LEP Growth Hub Manager