Posted on 7th August 2020
Category: News

The Humber LEP Business Growth Hub is seeking to commission suppliers to undertake Covid-19 and EU-Exit Business Needs & Opportunities Analyses and Action Plans with medium and large sized businesses.

Given that the global pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the business community and the impending EU Exit on 01 January 2021 will impact further on businesses, the Growth Hub seeks to undertake reviews with medium and large companies in the Humber, to understand the business needs and opportunities presented by both Covid-19 and EU Exit.

The RFQ timetable for this commission is as follows:

RFQ Made Available 06 August 2020
Deadline for receipt of
12:00pm 21 August 2020
Deadline for receipt of
11:59pm 01 September 2020
Evaluation of RFQ 02 / 03 September 2020
Notification of contract award decision 04 September 2020
Inception Meeting 08 September 2020
Target Contract
Commencement Date
14 September 2020
Contract End Date 31 December 2020 (with potential extension to 31 March 2021)

Organisations interested in submitting a quote can request an RFQ pack from Humber LEP Growth Hub Manager Jon Brunton by emailing