Posted on 21st August 2020
Category: News

The Humber LEP is looking for a Workforce Development Business Advisor to join our existing team of Growth Hub Business Advisors; to work with employers across the Humber region to support them in developing their workforce.

The post holder will sit within the central Humber LEP Growth Hub team, and will provide specific advice to businesses in relation to workforce development, apprenticeship recruitment and industrial placements. You will also enhance the Growth Hub’s capacity by providing professional advice to the Growth Hub Advisors to ensure they are kept fully up-to-date on latest government policy guidance relating to workforce development, apprenticeship and industrial placements.

You will work within the Humber LEP’s Employment and Skills Team to aid the close alignment between the LEP’s employment and skills initiatives and the delivery of the Growth Hub suite of support services. You will also diligently support both the Growth Hub Manager and the Executive Director of Employment and Skills in the continuous improvement and development of best practice, service delivery, and organisational learning relating to workforce development in Humber businesses.

This post has arisen as a result of the Growth Hub having been awarded supplementary funding by Government to expand the provision of business support services in the Humber region. You will therefore play a key role in establishing this new Workforce Development support offer during this exciting time of Growth Hub expansion.

If you require further information please contact Jon Brunton on 07763 579879 or email (up to and including 21st August) or Teresa Chalmers on 07718 695080 or email (after 21st August).

Please note, this is a fixed-term post due to funding, ending on 31st March 2021.

The job description and information on how to apply can be found here.