Posted on 2nd October 2020
Category: News

Job Retention: Updated guidanceOn 2 October HMRC published guidance on the Job Retention Bonus and what needs to be done to claim it. Further information is available at:

HMRC also published updated guidance on 2 October on wages claims through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The guidance can be found at:

Small Business Leadership Programme and Peer Network Scheme
You may also be interested to see information published in early August about The Small Business Leadership Programme and Peer Network Scheme that aims to enhance resilience and recovery from COVID-19.

This information can be found at:

UK Transition: Business seminars
Throughout October, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is hosting a series of free webinars to help businesses prepare for new changes when the UK leaves the EU single market and customs union.

Following initial broadcasts the webinars will be available to view on demand, find out more information and register at:

Please share these webinars with your networks, HMG North’s tweet can be found here:
As ever, please share trackable links through your networks. Any questions can be directed to our dedicated business enquiries mailbox (