Posted on 2nd October 2020
Category: News

The Humber LEP Business Growth Hub is seeking to commission a supplier to provide additional resources to add value to the Growth Hub’s existing start-up support capacity through provision of a Start-up Support Service – Workshops, Masterclasses and a Peer-to-Peer Development Programme.

This will consist of a range of online sessions as follows:

  • a set of core pre-start workshop topics delivered on a regular basis
  • less frequent masterclasses on particular start up topics to cover sector-based, business model or trend-based content
  • facilitated peer-to-peer sessions to encourage networking, collaboration and peer learning among the pre-start and new start-up client group.

 The timetable for this procurement is as follows:

Event Date
Issue RFQ 02 October 2020
Deadline for receipt of clarifications 12:00pm 12 October 2020
Deadline for receipt of RFQ 11:59pm 19 October 2020
Evaluation of RFQ 20 October 2020
Notification of contract award decision 21 October 2020
Inception Meeting 22 October 2020
Target Contract Commencement Date 22 October 2020
Contract End Date 31 March 2021

To request a copy of the RFQ, please email