Posted on 18th January 2021
Category: News

The Employment and Skill Funding Agency (ESFA) is keen to make sure the Government’s wider skills offers continue to meet the needs of employers looking to develop their future talent; as well as individuals looking to progress in their careers and apprenticeship and traineeship subsidies, Kickstart and also the Redundancy Support Services for Apprentices, T-Levels, functional skills and the impact of Lockdown 3 on apprenticeships

They have a series of questions seeking your insight and observations.

Your responses will help the Government to validate a ‘pulse check’ of what employers and stakeholders are thinking; as well as understand what is influencing business decisions on technical education topics.

They would be grateful if you could answer as many of the questions as you can, as they will inform future Ministerial submissions to DfE and HM Treasury. The Humber LEP will also receive feedback which will provide useful insight to inform the recovery strategy.

The Survey is here