Posted on 6th August 2021
Category: News

Over the last few weeks, the HEY LEP has engaged with a range of partners and businesses, in order to highlight the benefits of international trade through export to the Hull and East Yorkshire and wider pan-Humber region.

We end the current series with an export compilation video which we hope will encourage more SMEs to engage in export.

The HEY LEP wishes to extend its thanks to all contributors and to the production team at JayJayMedia.

This video features: Helen Gibson of Agencia, Pauline Wade of Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce, Antonio Tombanane of Tech Week Humber, Dr David Richards of University of Hull, Courtney Tarbotton of MRT and Mark Parkes of Bostonair Group.

Look out for a brand new series of export case study videos in the autumn.

Find out more about exporting on the HEY Growth Hub Exporting page here – including how to sign up for our exporting quarterly newsletter.

Interested in exporting? Contact Andrew Finch at the HEY LEP for more details via email at

HEY Export Campaign