Posted on 11th February 2022
Category: News

Virgin Money Levelling Upstarts Programme

Virgin Money are delighted to launch Levelling Upstarts, an innovative new programme which gives SMEs the opportunity to partner directly with MBA and master’s students from leading universities through digital workshops to help them solve specific business challenges.  

They have partnered with the University of Leeds, Sheffield Hallam University and Aston University to deliver digital workshops for 40 SMEs from across the UK between March and June 2022. There goal is for the programme to provide invaluable insights from the business leaders of tomorrow to the business leaders of today.

They are encouraging any business based across the UK with less than 250 employees to apply for the programme if they think that their business has a challenge that MBA  and master’s students could help solve. You do not have to be a customer of Virgin Money to benefit from this programme. For more information on the Levelling Upstarts Programme and how to apply please go to Virgin Money’s Levelling Upstarts Programme | Brighter Money | Virgin Money UK

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