Posted on 28th February 2022
Category: News

Want to find out more about how
Property Flood Resilience reduces flood risk?

Find out more through this video
from Yorkshire Flood Resilience.

Click on this graphic to watch our film
Innovation Support for SMEs
As well as working to improve your business’ flood resilience, we can also help you develop innovative services, processes and products to support your business move into the growing flood resilience market. Whether it’s an existing product or a completely new approach to flood resilience, we can support your business by offering a range of tailor-made Innovation Support Packages worth up to £20,000. You will have access to a centre that brings together industry contacts, exceptional academic research and cutting-edge equipment to enable businesses and our communities become better prepared for rising flood risk.   Find out more  

The Flood Innovation Centre has been established to help businesses like yours adapt to growing flood risk. Whether that’s making your property flood resilient or developing new products and services to capitalise on the growing flood resilience market.