Posted on 1st March 2022
Category: News

Would-be exporters are invited to attend a forthcoming roundtable event ‘Navigating international trade services across Hull and East Yorkshire’

Hosted by the Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP), in partnership with the Department for International Trade (DIT), the virtual event takes place on Thursday 3rd March between 12-1pm, with representation from Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce, DIT, the Freight & Logistics sector and HEY LEP. The event will look to provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse range of export support that’s available to companies across Hull and East Yorkshire.

As a convener for export, HEY LEP is keen to work collaboratively with a range of export delivery partners across the region in order to co-ordinate a bespoke range of export support services. A recent piece of research, which looked at the opportunities for export growth across the region, made several recommendations for improving export business support, which HEY LEP is now acting upon. Humber Levelling Up – KADA RESEARCH

The roundtable forms part of the wider Export Academy, which also offers a range of workshops and on-demand webinars covering topics including: Identifying Export Markets, Creating an Export Action Plan, Selling Services Overseas, Understanding Export Documentation, Financing International Trade and Payment Terms, Incoterms, Shipping and Customs Requirements

A new mini-series entitled ‘Digitise your exports’ is also currently being offered as part of the Export Academy, which promises to be very useful for those companies that sell products and services online.

In registering for the above virtual event, businesses will also be able to attend other Export Academy activities and events. Both current exporters looking to refresh their exporting knowledge and would-be exporters are welcome to register here