Posted on 10th July 2023
Category: News

Each Month The HEY Growth Hub Sends a Business Intelligence report to the Government showing how businesses in Hull and East Yorkshire are performing the items we are collecting now are 
A Local Economic Conditions Any significant information on economic conditions and trends, positive or negative. This may include specific issues or cross-cutting themes impacting on business’s performance, productivity or investment, or on the broader local economy. 
B Local Business Needs and Concerns An overview of significant new, emerging and/or ongoing issues that businesses (particularly SMEs) have been raising. This may include summary information on direct impacts on businesses’ performance, productivity, or investment. 
C Economic Opportunities or Shocks information on new or impending economic shocks impacting on businesses new jobs, new businesses, new job losses, business failures,
D Business Support Ecosystem An overview of the current health and effectiveness of the business support ecosystem . You can also include information on specific examples of new and emerging provision, partnership activity or funding that are significant
So If you would like to send your business details to us then enter it here:
 Business Intelligence » HEY Growth Hub