Posted on 25th July 2023
Category: News

The HEY LEP Careers Hub has been shining the light on green skills with two key events showcasing green careers to parents, students and career leaders.

The Humber region is host to many exciting and innovative green skills employers presenting fantastic opportunities to build a strong career in these growing fields.

The Hub partnered with key stakeholders Centrica, Orsted and Wood PLC to demonstrate the entry routes and breath of careers available within these exciting new fields.

In the first of the events, the Hub welcomed Careers Leaders, Cornerstone Employers and members of the student voice project to the MKM Stadium in Hull for its annual summer conference.

Delegates heard from Graeme Davies, Project Director for Viking CCS project, Harbour Energy about how they as a business want to encourage and empower young people to take up the opportunities within these growing industries.

Graeme highlighted how they are the talent of the future and the key to the region remaining at the forefront of these important green agendas.

A second event, the We Discover Green event, was hosted at the Aura Innovation Centre in partnership with Hull University and the Leicester and Leicestershire Careers Hub.

Young people and parents were invited to a presentation from three key green industry employers Centrica, Orsted and Wood PLC and got to meet, engage and interact with the employers and some of their exciting industry technologies to get a hands-on experience of what these employers have to offer.

Parent who attended We Discover Green event: “I was so impressed by the presentation and the opportunities available in the renewable sector. I thought it was brilliant that they could talk with the employers, and it helped me to support my son!”

The events were of enormous success, helping to empower career leaders, parents and students with the inspiration and knowledge to make informed next steps into these exciting, innovative green careers of the future.

To find out more about the HEY Careers & Enterprise Hub events contact Fiona Headridge, Careers Hub Lead –