Posted on 14th August 2023
Category: News

Hull & East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP) held its second Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27th July at County Hall, Beverley, seeing invited guests and stakeholders participate in celebrating what had been achieved in the financial year 22/23.

Led by HEY LEP chair, James Newman OBE, with support from deputy chair, Steven Parnaby OBE, board members updated on the outputs and delivery of key milestones.

The LEP’s financial outturn was also presented by Stephen Savage, chair of the Audit, Finance and Governance Panel.

HEY LEP hosts its AGM to demonstrate its contribution to economic development, as well as to raise understanding of its partnership work and the leadership of the board.

Highlights of the year included the launch of the Growing Places Fund, HEY LEP’s maiden attendance at The Business Day and its preliminary bid for the Create Growth Programme being shortlisted.

Elsewhere, LEP launched the three-year Made Smarter Programme, expanded its Careers Hub to include all schools and colleges in the region and HEY Growth Hub launched its Hull & East Yorkshire Manufacturers Network.

The Growth Hub supported 1,127 businesses, including 411 on a medium or high-intensity basis and 281 individuals to explore business start-up.