Posted on 5th September 2023
Category: News

This year’s Survey seeks to understand the current barriers to the future growth of your scaling businesses and what they believe could make a real and impactful difference. 

I do hope you will, as before, share the unique link to the survey directly to your scaleup CEOs, as well as on your website, newsletter and via social media.

Direct messages to scaleup founders and CEOs are particularly effective for getting their responses, so we have included a range of draft messages and posts that you can adapt for use across your communications channels. To boost engagement, a number of images you can use to accompany posts are available here: 

The deadline for completion of the ScaleUp Survey is the 1st October. 

As before, the results of the ScaleUp Survey will form a central part of our Annual ScaleUp Review and will be published in November 2023. We have assigned you a unique link to use with your contacts and will be able to report back to you the survey results.

Your survey link for sharing: We thank you for your support in getting the survey out there. 


contacting you to ask you to take the time to complete the ScaleUp Institute’s 2023 Scaleup Survey – the UK’s largest survey of our scaleup and growing companies. 

The survey is now in its tenth year and it is vital that your scaleup voices are heard and the barriers that hold back your business are removed. 

The Survey’s influence and importance has grown steadily over the years, providing crucial data and insights to inform how both the public and private sectors better support and break down barriers that face scaling businesses like yours. To date, the insights from our Annual Survey have informed the Scaleup Visa; the Future Fund Breakthrough; the reforms to unlock institutional capital; the new Innovation and Export Strategies; and expansion of government policies such as the Regional Funds, as well as agencies such as Innovate UK.  

It is essential to keep that momentum going.

The link to the survey is:

The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete. The deadline for completion of the survey is the 1st October.



Example one:

Complete the @scaleupinst 2023 #ScaleUp Business Survey👇and let them know what is needed to help businesses achieve scale in the UK. #scaleup2023 #makeyourvoiceheard 📢

Example two:

The findings from the @scaleupinst annual survey inform and shape the support that the private and public sectors can offer to help your business continue to scale. Complete the 2023 #ScaleUp Business Survey👇and help remove the barriers that hold your business back. #scaleup2023

Example three:

Are you one of the scaling businesses in the UK? What would help you continue your scaling journey? Complete the @scaleupinst #scaleup2023 Business Survey 👇and let them know what support you need to fulfil your growth ambitions #makeyourvoiceheard 📢

Example four:


Complete the @scaleupinst #scaleup2023 Business Survey and help them ensure you receive the support you need to maintain, achieve and exceed your growth aspirations. #makeyourvoiceheard


Post one

Scaleups play a key role in the UK’s economy and the ScaleUp Institute invite all of you who are leaders of a scaling business to participate in the ScaleUp Institute’s 2023 Annual Scaleup Survey.👇

The ScaleUp Institute continues to work to make the UK the best place in the world for a business to scale up and grow and their Annual Survey provides important data and evidence to help shape and evolve the support that the private, education and public sector can offer scaling companies.

They want to be clear on the barriers you are now facing to your future growth and what you believe could make a real and impactful difference in removing those barriers.

The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for your time and your answers. They will play an important part in making the UK the best place in the world to scale and grow a business.

#makeyourvoiceheard #scaleup2023 

Post two


Complete the @scaleupinst #scaleup2023 Business Survey and help them ensure you receive the support you need to maintain, achieve and exceed your growth aspirations. #makeyourvoiceheard

Post three
The findings from the @scaleupinst annual survey inform and shape the support that the private and public sectors can offer to help your business continue to scale. Complete the 2023 #ScaleUp Business Survey👇and help remove the barriers that hold your business back. #scaleup2023 #makeyourvoiceheard 📢

On Thu, 3 Aug 2023 at 12:01, Penny Nakou <> wrote:

Dear Jon,

I hope you are keeping well. 

As we are preparing our next Annual ScaleUp Review, we are keen to understand all the latest scaleup activity in your local area. 

As in previous years we have included last year’s content below and a few questions for the main developments we are looking to highlight. 


HEY LEP offers a suite of scaleup support under #GrowMySME. Finance for Growth runs until June 2023 and supports ambitious SMEs to become investment ready and access new finance streams. Its Business Growth Scheme gives scaleups access to workshops, webinars and masterclasses designed to help them overcome barriers to growth. These cover key business areas including sales and marketing, business systems, leadership and workforce development. Six new Foundations for Growth workshops further support scaleups to create platforms for growth.

Humber SEA, a new social enterprise accelerator, will support 30 social enterprises to fulfil their growth potential. The accelerator will run until June 2023.


Please provide short updates to last year’s content by also covering the below questions:

  • How has the scaleup support offered through #GrowMySME developed in the last 12 months?
  • How has Humber SEA developed in the last 12 months?
  • Have there been any developments or new offerings and/or programmes for scaleups we should highlight?
  • Are there any specific sectors of focus or new priorities for scaleups this year?
  • What have been the developments on your last year’s plans including the development of the new scaleup programme mentioned in last year’s update?


The HEY LEP will continue its commitment to move toward a Productive & Innovative Economy through scaleup support. A new high impact scaleup programme is under development and will offer 12 hours of one to one support to 15 companies, helping them develop a growth action plan. Following its successful pilot of the Made Smarter programme designed to support manufacturing scaleups to explore and adopt cutting-edge digital technology, the LEP will roll this BEIS funded programme out across the region from 2022 to 2025.


  • Any future plans for scaling businesses we should highlight?

We are also about to launch the 2023 ScaleUp Survey – we would be very grateful for your support once again in disseminating the link to your contacts and across social media. We are currently finalising the survey links and will shortly share details and some dissemination materials with you.

Once again thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
We look forward to hearing back from you shortly.
Kind regards,

Penny Nakou

Senior Project and Research Officer at The ScaleUp Institute


A: 41 Luke Street, Shoreditch, LONDON, EC2A 4DP
