Agricultural survey

Agricultural surveys about the land, crops and livestock on your farm
Business: Farming

    You must complete Defra’s June agricultural survey if you’re selected. You’ll need to supply information about the land, crops, livestock and workers on your farm.

    Collecting land, crops and livestock information and surveying farm management practice with Defra agricultural surveys

    Problems logging in

    Contact the Defra Surveys Team if you’re having any problems accessing the survey.

    Defra Surveys Team
    01904 455 284
    Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Find out about call charges

    General information

    Contact the Defra Helpline if you have any queries about agricultural surveys.

    Defra Helpline
    08459 33 55 77
    Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
    Find out about call charges

    Sign up as an agent if you want to complete surveys for more than one farmer.

    Cross compliance
    These standards are part of cross compliance. You must meet them to get your farming subsidy under the Single Payment Scheme.