Apply for a list of deaths registered in the UK

Business: Sale Goods Services Data

    You can apply to get a weekly list of registered deaths in the UK if you’’re part of an approved organisation.

    The information can only be used for:

    • preventing offences
    • detecting offences
    • investigating offences
    • prosecution of offences

    The annual fee is £57,000 which has to be paid quarterly in advance.

    What’s on the lists

    The lists include the following information:

    • name
    • alias name (if used and entered onto the registration)
    • date of birth
    • date of death
    • place of birth (if held)
    • usual address with postcode
    • sex
    • maiden name (if held)

    How to apply

    Currently only a very limited number of organisations are approved to use this service.

    Check the list of approved organisations on the application form to see if you can apply.

    Email your completed form to the Fraud and Data Unit, Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO).

    Fraud and Data Unit, HMPO

    After you’ve applied

    The Fraud and Data Unit will check if you’re eligible and might contact you for further information.

    You’ll have to go through a security assessment which includes a visit to your premises – you must pay a non refundable fee of £5,000 for this.

    The licence agreements will then be drawn up and agreed with you.

    Information for Scotland or Northern Ireland only

    The death registration information includes data for the whole of the UK. Email the following addresses if you need specific information for Scotland or Northern Ireland.

    You can apply to get a weekly list of registered deaths if you’re part of an approved organisation.