Apply for a nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) derogation

Business: Farming

    You must apply for a ‘derogation’ to spread more than 170 kilograms of nitrogen from manure from grazing livestock on your farm.

    If your application is approved and you meet certain conditions, you’ll be able to spread up to 250 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare per year.

    Register with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to apply for a grassland derogation to spread more than 170kg of livestock nitrogen manure per hectare

    You must apply for a derogation each year.

    Telephone applications

    Call the Environment Agency’s Derogation Line to apply by telephone.

    Environment Agency Derogation Line
    Telephone: 0845 603 3113
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    Getting help

    Contact the Defra Helpline if you have any queries about nitrate vulnerable zone regulations and derogation rules.

    Defra Helpline
    Telephone: 08459 33 55 77
    Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
    Find about call charges


    At least 80% of your farm must be grassland. You’ll have to follow some additional requirements if the derogation is approved.

    Scotland and Wales

    If you’re in Scotland, you can apply for the derogation through the Scottish Government website.

    If you’re in Wales, you can apply by calling the NVZ Wales helpline.

    NVZ Wales helpline
    Telephone: 01824 704060
    Find about call charges

    Sign up as an agent if you want to apply for a derogation for more than 1 farmer.

    Cross compliance
    These standards are part of cross compliance. You must meet them to get your farming subsidy under the Single Payment Scheme.