Civil penalty for not reporting changes that affect your benefits

    Changes in your circumstances can affect your benefits – if you don’t report them and get overpaid as a result, you may have to pay a £50 ‘civil penalty’. You may also have to repay the benefit overpayment.

    You must report any change in your circumstances and correct mistakes you make to your local Jobcentre Plus as soon as it happens. Examples of what you need to report include:

    • getting married, entering into a civil partnership or moving in with a partner
    • getting a new job or pay rise
    • taking in a lodger
    • travelling or moving abroad
    • no longer being sick or ill

    The £50 civil penalty applies if your benefit is overpaid because you:

    • negligently gave incorrect information and didn’t take reasonable steps to correct your mistake
    • didn’t tell Jobcentre Plus, the Pension Service or your local council about a change or failed to give them information without a reasonable excuse

    You could be prosecuted or get another fine if you deliberately give false information or fail to report a change in your circumstances.