Health and safety for school children
Schools are responsible for your childÂs safety while theyÂre at school or on a school trip.
Contact the school if youÂre worried about your childÂs health and safety. If youÂre still concerned, tell the local council or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
When schools are responsible for health and safety
Schools are responsible for day-to-day health and safety whenever your child is in the care of school staff – this includes school trips and clubs.
What schools are responsible for
Every school has a health and safety policy. Ask the school if you want to read it. It should contain details of what the school is responsible for, eg school trips as well as what they should do to look after your child.
Schools must follow the same health and safety law for indoor temperature as other workplaces.
Class sizes
Schools must make sure that children aged between 5 and 7 aren’t taught in classes of more than 30 pupils. There’s no legal limit for pupils aged 8 or over.
If something goes wrong
Contact the HSE if there’s an accident or incident and you want advice about health and safety.
Who decides the health and safety policy and has ultimate responsibility for the health and safety of your child at school depends on the type of school.
Serious accidents at school
The school must report serious accidents, outbreaks of disease or dangerous incidents to the HSE. If you want to check that the school has done this, contact the HSE.