Labelling and handling food for international transport

Business: Food

    When shipping food, you must follow regulations for labelling, packaging and food safety in the destination country.

    Moving food within the European Union

    There aren’t any customs checks for food you move within the European Union (EU). However, the goods must still follow EU regulations for food labelling and packaging and food safety or they can’t be sold in the UK and other EU countries.

    Imports from outside the European Union

    You must follow EU regulations for food labelling, packaging and safety, othewise customs can seize and destroy your goods. You can be charged for the cost of destroying your goods.

    There are special rules for imports of animal food products (eg meat, eggs etc) which can only be imported from EU-approved countries.

    Use the Trade Tariff to check restrictions and duty rates for imports and exports. To do this you need to classify your goods.

    Exports outside the European Union

    You must follow food safety, packaging and any other regulations of the country you’re exporting to. Check the Trade Tariff for any export restrictions.

    You can use a freight forwarder to help you ship food. They’ll handle all customs procedures for you.

    Food-specific regulations you have to comply with in addition to other import and export rules