Moving or retiring abroad

    You need to tell the relevant government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax that you’re moving or retiring abroad.

    Tell your council

    You need to contact your local council if you move or retire abroad, and give them a forwarding address.


    You need to tell the relevant benefits offices that deal with your benefits that you’re moving abroad.

    They will tell you if you can continue to get your benefits while you are abroad.


    If you get Jobseeker’s Allowance, contact your local Jobcentre Plus office.


    You need to contact the International Pension Centre.

    Find out how moving or retiring abroad affects your pension – and how to claim it.


    You need to tell HM Revenue & Customs if you move or retire abroad.

    Voting and citizenship

    You can vote in UK elections if you move or retire abroad.

    Your UK citizenship will not be affected if you move or retire abroad.

    You have the right to live and work in any European Economic Area (EEA) country, if you’re a UK citizen.

    If you want to work in another country, contact their embassy for more information.