Report flooding and burst water mains

    Contact your council, water supply company or the Environment Agency Incident Hotline to report flooding from water mains, public drains, sewers, rivers or the sea.

    Flooding from roads and public drains

    Your local council is responsible for dealing with road flooding and flooding from public drains.


    Report a blocked sewer or sewage flooding to your water and sewerage company.

    Private drains

    Private drains are the responsibility of the homeowner/occupier. Your local water company or drainage contractors will fix the damage for a fee.

    Flooding from a burst water main

    Report flooding from a burst water main to your water and sewerage company.

    Flooding from a river and the sea

    Call the Environment Agency Incident Hotline to report flooding from a river and the sea.

    Environment Agency Incident Hotline
    0800 807 060
    Find out about call charges

    Flooding from the ground

    Contact your local council to report flooding from the ground in your area.

    Flooding in your home

    Any flood damage in a home is the responsibility of the homeowner or occupier.