Restore your dissolved company

Business: Limited Company

    You can apply to get your company restored if it was struck off the register and dissolved by the Registrar of Companies.

    You can apply for administrative restoration if either:

    • you were a director or shareholder
    • the company was trading until it was struck off the register
    • you didn’t voluntarily apply to have your company struck off

    If not, you’ll have to apply for a court order to have the company restored.

    Apply for administrative restoration

    You’ll need to send the following to Companies House:

    Call Companies House if you need advice.

    Companies House
    0303 1234 500
    Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm

    What happens next

    The Registrar of Companies will decide whether to restore the company. If they refuse, you may be able to:

    • apply for a court order to have it restored
    • get a discretionary grant (if you were a shareholder)

    Restore a company to the Company Register – administrative restoration, deadlines, fees and forms