Tell Companies House about changes to your limited company

Business: Limited Company

    You must tell Companies House about specific changes you make to your limited company.

    File changes to your company information including directors, shareholders and registered office address and where your company records are kept

    You must tell Companies House about changes you make to your limited company, including:

    • directors and company secretaries joining or leaving
    • changing your company’s name, registered office address or accounting reference date
    • changing where your company records are kept

    Some changes may need you to pass a resolution.

    What you need

    You’ll need the:

    • email address and password you used to sign up for the Companies House online service
    • authentication code Companies House sent you

    If you haven’t used the service before

    You can register online. You’ll need to give your email address and create a password, then Companies House will post an authentication code to your registered office address.

    When the changes take effect

    Changes to your registered office address and company name don’t happen until Companies House has accepted and confirmed them.

    File changes to your company information including directors, shareholders and registered office address and where your company records are kept