The Money Advice Service, offer Free and impartial money advice, set up by government providing Advice and guides to help improve your finances. Tools and calculators to help keep track and plan ahead and Support over the phone and online

Lots of business financial support is provided including:

Money and Pensions Service

From 1 January 2019, the Money and Pensions Service created one organisation from the three existing providers of money guidance, including the Money Advice Service (MAS).

Find out more about the Money and Pensions Service

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Supporting people’s money management

Our service is available 24 hours a day via our website and five days a week by telephone on 0800 138 7777 (calls are free).

Anyone can use our service and we provide guidance across a wide range of money matters, including a number of useful tools and calculators to help people manage their money. Our focus is on supporting people who can benefit the most from our help or who are going through significant life events – such as saving for a home, dealing with the breakdown of a long-term relationship, or starting a family.

We also work with a wide range of other organisations to make our content available to their customers, clients, members, followers or employees. This includes producing and distributing a number of printed guides on specific subjects, which are also available for download on our website.

Helping people tackle problem debt

We aim to help people avoid getting into unmanageable debt but, for those who do, we fund the provision of free, high-quality debt advice, delivered by our partners across the UK. The Money Advice Service is the largest single funder of debt advice in the UK.

We are also responsible for driving higher-quality and more consistent debt advice services across the UK – including those we do not fund directly. Our aim is to make sure people get the help they need to deal with their creditors and reduce their debt, and also the support to manage their money and build their financial resilience so they are less likely to get into difficulties.

Driving improved financial capability

Financial capability is vital to people’s lives, helping them manage life’s financial ups and downs and prepare for the future.

As the statutory body responsible for enhancing public understanding of financial matters, the Money Advice Service led the work of a wide range of organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors to develop a new Financial Capability Strategy for the UK.

The Strategy sets out a ten-year plan to address not just people’s skills and knowledge around money management but also the attitudes and motivations that hold them back, and their access to products and services.


Our Commercial Delivery Team is built of professional commercial staff, ensuring we get value for money for all expenditure. Below is a summary of our standard procurement procedures.

Procuring goods and services – the Regulations

As a Contracting Authority under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, since 1 January 2015 all contracts for relevant services in excess of £181,302 (for supplies and services) and £4,551,413 (for works) are subject to the EU Procurement Directives.

Advertising for tenders

When required, contracts in the relevant categories are also advertised in the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), the supplement to the Official Journal of the European Community in line with the department’s obligation under EU Procurement Directivesopens in new window.

In addition, we may also use alternative routes to market, including Framework Agreements (both pan-government and MAS tendered agreements).

MAS also advertise all open tenders and publishes contract award notices on the Contracts Finder website.


Contracts worth £25,000 and above are managed through our eTendering system, Bravo.

You must be registered with Bravo if you wish to do business with us.

If we advertise a tender and you are interested, you need to register your interest via the portal. You can do this for free.

We cannot consider expressions of interest, pre-qualification questionnaires or tender submissions which arrive after the stated deadline.

Bravo provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering and quotation activities

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  • Support Type Finance (any), Equity, and Loan

  • Support Categories Starting a business, Grow and Sustain, and HMRC and Tax

  • Number of EmployeesUnder 10, Up to 249, Between 250 and 500, and Between 501 and 1000

  • Regions:East Riding, Hull