7 Tips For Young Entrepreneurs Starting a Business

27th July 2015

7 Tips For Young Entrepreneurs Starting a Business

Starting a business can seem pretty daunting to anyone the first time round. But when you’re a young entrepreneur it can often feel like you’re presented with an additional set of challenges beyond what your older counterparts have to contend with.

We often hear from young entrepreneurs who are worried that they won’t be taken seriously, or those that think they lack the relevant years of experience to aid them in starting a business

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How to Write a Business Plan

27th July 2015

Writing a business plan is a vital first step when starting a business, in order to set out your proposition, your market, customers and competitors.  The business planning process will give you a feel for the various elements that will determine your success, from cash flow, to sales forecasting to your personnel structure. A good business plan will let you structure your finances efficiently, show potential investors the strength of your business, and focus your efforts on developing your business. A business plan isn’t written

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Income tax allowances and reliefs

23rd July 2015

Income tax allowances and reliefs

Income tax allowances can be set against your taxable income, reducing your income tax liability. Your income tax allowances include allowable expenses which you can set against your taxable profits as well as the personal income tax allowance.

Allowable expenses

If you are self-employed, allowable expenses can be set against your business income to reduce your taxable profits.

Allowable expenses include most business expenditure. The costs of supplies, employees’ wages, renting premises, financing costs and so on are all

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How to start a small business on a shoestring

22nd July 2015

Every small business needs capital to get started, but there’s a lot you can do with very little or no money. Here are some useful tips and tricks for starting a business on a shoestring.

Embrace Apps

There are so many free downloadable apps available now for your mobile, Mac or PC that can really help get you started, whether you need help organising your time, keeping on top of your finances or identifying your market.
Find out more about the most popular business

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Strategies for growing your business

20th July 2015


Do you want to grow your business and expand into new markets? What should you think about before committing to a growth strategy? And how can marketing help you drive business growth? 

Some small business owners are content to maintain a small operation they can run themselves in return for a decent, but limited, income. Others, however, are driven by the challenge of growing their business into a high-profit venture with a larger market share. Although higher risk, this path can generate greater

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Business insurance for beginners

20th July 2015

When you’re starting a business, it can be hard to know what insurance you need. To help, Simply Business have put together a quick and easy guide of the main types of business insurance that are available. This blog will help you get to grips with the options and make sure your business is covered if anything goes wrong.

Public Liability Insurance

What it is: Public liability insurance covers legal costs and compensation payments claimed by a third party for an injury they

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6 Essential legal steps to successfully grow your business

20th July 2015

Clive Rich is the Founder, Chairman and LawBrief (lawyer) at LawBite. His company provides ‘Simple Law for Small Companies’, bringing the law into the 21st century by making it more accessible and affordable. LawBite have provided their top tips for start-up companies – and are offering all Start Up Loan recipients an exclusive discount for their services.

Now that your business is up and running, don’t fall in to the same trap as many small companies and forget to manage your

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5 Essential legal steps to successfully launch a business

20th July 2015

Clive Rich is the Founder, Chairman and LawBrief (lawyer) at LawBite. His company provides ‘Simple Law for Small Companies’, bringing the law into the 21st century by making it more accessible and affordable. LawBite have provided their top tips for start-up companies – and are offering all Start Up Loan recipients an exclusive discount for their services.

So, you have developed your big idea and secured your Start Up Loan, what comes next? Our corporate partner LawBite have given us some

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6 Tips to Improve Direct Marketing

16th July 2015

In direct marketing, some basics never change; but in 2015, those basics need to be augmented with some updated insights. Erich Kominsky, CEO of US Data Corporationstated, “For every dollar spent on direct email marketing the average return on investment is $44.25. It will only get better in 2015 as marketing companies continue to develop innovations that boost ROI.”

Here are six tips that will improve your direct-mail marketing business in 2015:

1. Target Your Audience

Part of the 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing is knowing who your audience

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How to set up a successful online business

16th July 2015

How to set up a successful online business

Many people dream of the perfect business, one where great profits are made with minimal effort. There are no guarantees, but Chris Barling, chairman of ecommerce and EPOS supplier, SellerDeck, knows many people who are doing just that by running an online business. So, where do you start?

1 Look to the web

More than any medium before it, the internet provides the potential to make money for you whilst you put your feet up. Marketing, providing

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