contact us

You can contact the Growth Hub by post, email, telephone or twitter.
Due to Coronavirus homeworking our staff maybe unable to answer telephone calls so please email us instead.


HEY Growth Hub
Co The Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
The Guildhall
Room 91
Alfred Gelder Street 
Telephone: 01482 485260

email – 

When emailing us please include the postcode of where you are based,

Click here for a map and directions

Business support queries

You can arrange to speak to or meet a local business adviser.

Queries or feedback about the HEY LEP Growth Hub

We welcome feedback on this website and suggestions about how we can improve it.
You can contact us by:

Email at

Tweet us at

Freedom of Information requests

To make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you can write to the HEY Local Enterprise Partnership at the above address or email us at