Rules and regulations
If you are considering bidding for a public sector contract you will find it useful to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations that a public sector body must adhere to when awarding a contract.
The two guiding principles for awarding public sector contracts are:
The most economically advantageous from the point of view of the contracting authority;
Offers the lowest price.
Public procurement law regulates the purchasing by public sector bodies and certain utility sector bodies of contracts for goods, works or services. The law is designed to open up the EU’s public procurement market to competition, to prevent “buy national” policies and to promote the free movement of goods and services. Click here (PDF) for a useful summary of how procurement rules work.
For more detail information of UK public sector procurement law click here.
View here for the Core Terms and generic schedule templates that make up the Public Sector Contract.
The selling to government guide gives you tips and advice about securing government contracts.
Open the Selling to government guide (PDF)